Diagram showing the NYC DOB-approved Site Safety Training course equivalents provided by Able Safety Consulting

NYC DOB SST Course Equivalents Update

By: Able Safety Consulting

At Able Safety Consulting, we are committed to keeping you informed and compliant with the latest requirements from the New York City Department of Buildings (NYC DOB). Understanding the complexities of Site Safety Training (SST) can be daunting, so we are excited to share the latest approved SST course equivalents that can help you streamline your training process and ensure you meet all necessary regulations.

Understanding Course Equivalents

The NYC DOB has provided a list of approved course equivalents for various Site Safety Training requirements. These equivalents allow you to receive credit for multiple SST courses based on the completion of specific comprehensive training programs. Below is a breakdown of these equivalents and how they can benefit you:

1. 40-Hour Site Safety Manager Course

Completing the 40-Hour Site Safety Manager course gives you credit for the following SST courses:

  • 8-Hour Site Safety
  • 2-Hour Site Safety Plan
  • 2.5-Hour Foundations for Safety Leadership (SP)
  • 1-Hour Tools - Hand & Power (GE)
  • 1-Hour Demolition Safety (SP)
  • 1-Hour Excavations (SP)
  • 1-Hour Job Hazard Analysis (SP)
  • 1-Hour Risk Assessment & Accident Investigation (SP)

2. 16-Hour Rigging Worker Course

Completing the 16-Hour Rigging Worker course grants you credit for:

  • 1-Hour Handling Heavy Materials & Proper Lifting Techniques (GE)
  • 1-Hour Hoisting & Rigging (GE)
  • 1-Hour Materials Handling, Storage, Use, & Disposal (GE)
  • 1-Hour Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, & Conveyors (SP)
  • 1-Hour Flag Person (SP)
  • 1-Hour Personnel Lifts/Aerial Lifts/Scissor Lifts Safety (SP)

3. 8-Hour Rigging Worker Refresher Course

The 8-Hour Rigging Worker Refresher course provides credit for:

  • 1-Hour Handling Heavy Materials & Proper Lifting Techniques (GE)
  • 1-Hour Hoisting & Rigging (GE)
  • 1-Hour Materials Handling, Storage, Use, & Disposal (GE)
  • 1-Hour Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, & Conveyors (SP)
  • 1-Hour Flag Person (SP)
  • 1-Hour Personnel Lifts/Aerial Lifts/Scissor Lifts Safety (SP)

4. Supported Scaffold Courses

  • 32-Hour Supported Scaffold Installer and Remover Course: Equivalent to the 4-Hour Supported Scaffold User and Refresher SST Course.
  • 8-Hour Supported Scaffold Installer and Remover Refresher Course: Equivalent to the 4-Hour Supported Scaffold User and Refresher SST Course.
  • 16-Hour Suspended Scaffold User Course: Equivalent to the 1-Hour Scaffolds-Suspended (SP) SST Course.
  • 8-Hour Suspended Scaffold User Refresher Course: Equivalent to the 1-Hour Scaffolds-Suspended (SP) SST Course.
  • 32-Hour Suspended Scaffold Supervisor Course: Equivalent to the 1-Hour Scaffolds-Suspended (SP) SST Course.
  • 8-Hour Suspended Scaffold Supervisor Refresher Course: Equivalent to the 1-Hour Scaffolds-Suspended (SP) SST Course.

Meeting SST Worker and Supervisor Card Requirements

To obtain your SST Worker or Supervisor Card, ensure you meet the following training hours:

SST Worker Card (Total 40 Hours)

  • 10-Hour OSHA
  • 8-Hour Fall Prevention
  • 8-Hour Site Safety
  • 4-Hour Supported Scaffold User and Refresher
  • 2-Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness
  • 4 General Electives (GE)
  • 4 Special Electives (SP)

SST Supervisor Card (Total 62 Hours)

  • 30-Hour OSHA
  • 8-Hour Fall Prevention
  • 8-Hour Site Safety
  • 4-Hour Supported Scaffold User and Refresher
  • 2-Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness
  • 2-Hour Site Safety Plans
  • 2-Hour Tool Box Talks
  • 2-Hour Pre-Task Safety Meetings
  • 2 General Electives (GE)
  • 2 Special Electives (SP)

Stay Compliant with Able Safety Consulting

We are here to assist you in navigating these requirements and ensuring you receive the necessary training and credits. For more information on how to register for these courses and take advantage of the NYC DOB-approved equivalents, visit our website or contact us directly.

Stay safe and compliant with Able Safety Consulting – your partner in site safety and training excellence!